QuickSchools supports a wide range of scheduling needs, from straightforward Homeroom scheduling in elementary to middle schools, to a mix of complex electives, period-based scheduling more commonly found in middle to high schools, all the way to the full-blown master schedule widely used in high schools of public school districts.
Beautifully craft interface where you can edit and customize your scheduling periods/timetable structure in one place. If you have multiple structures to support e.g. one for the elementary and one for the middle school, no problem - we support that readily.
Once you’ve set up the subjects or courses for your year groups or year levels, you can just tell the system how many times each of those courses get taught in the week and then with just one click, our automatic scheduler will randomly schedule those classes into the available slots in the structure you had set up, avoiding conflicts expertly.
With QuickSchools, we don’t second guess you. We tell you if we think there’s a conflict you should be aware of but you always have the superpower, which we know you do, to override the warning and schedule classes according to your needs. Use the drag and drop feature to move things around and get the schedule shaping just how you want it.
Once the schedule is ready, you can then hit publish and the scheduler will go to all the right users. Teachers, students and parents will see their relevant schedules. And best of all, any changes you make will go to everyone instantly, smoothening out nicely those early days of timetable adventure.